ID: 48-20630-411
Marianne Johansson
(415) 1548411

Marianne Johansson has successfully combined the simplicity and the functional design of her native Sweden with the "primitive" forms experienced in her travels. This, together with academic work, has resulted in jewelry as a collectible. A style that is timeless yet contemporary; jewelry equally exciting in formal or casual setting.


Informes, Ventas y Soporte Técnico:
(800) TELEFRA / (800) 835-3372
(477) 688-2691  /  (477) 331-0098

Celulares con Soporte vía
Whatsapp y Telegram:
(442) 718-4403  /  (415) 105-0049

Horario de Atención:
Lun - Vie: 9:00 am - 6:00 pm
Sab: 9:00 am - 2:00 pm
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